Friday, November 9, 2007

Poems For My ZHI

It's amazing how I feel when I'm around you,
How my heart pounds when you come into a room.
I look at you and think: My God! How lovely!
And everything I am bursts into bloom.

I feel as though you must, you must be mine,
Not as a possession but a goal,
Something almost unimaginable:
The free devotion of another soul.

As though I were about to enter heaven
Or just within the hour condemned to die,
My mind with one fierce thought keeps running over,
With you, and only you, the reason why.


Do not doubt I love you, even though
My actions may have undermined my words.
We could be as connubial as birds
Had I not let my wild longings show.

I cannot help wanting to devour
All the world that comes before my eyes;
But more than all the world is that which lies
Within the precious circle of our bower.

I'll do anything to keep you with me;
Our love will last as long as you have will.
Despite my untamed need, my love is still
A rock against the surges of the sea.


I love you with all I am
And all I'll ever be.
You are my moon, my sun and stars,
My earth, my sky, my sea.

My love for you goes down and down
Beneath both life and death,
So deep it must remain when I
Have drawn my last faint breath.

Holding you for months and years
Will make Time disappear,
Will make your lips my lips, your face
My face, your tear my tear;

Will make us one strange personage
All intertwined in bliss,
Not man or woman, live or dead--
Just nothing--but a kiss!


Let me steal you from the one you love
In hopes that as time passes you'll love me.
So deeply does your smile my heart move
That merely touching you is ecstasy.
Normally, such crimes are not my style,
Nor would I infidelity propose;
But I love you so much I can't revile
Anything that some slight hope bestows.
Let me show you how I'll care for you,
How good it feels to have me at your side,
How spring eternal I'll make ever new,
And every want or passing whim provide.
Try me out. I promise you'll be mine
Once you see how bright my sun can shine.


Never think that I don't love you, though
It may be hard at times for you to know.
Castles must be built with sweat and tears:
Know, my love, I'm yours for all your years.


To say you are my world means:
That when I look at the sky
I see your face,
And when I pause alone at the window
I feel your hands on my back.

It means:
That the beauty of a garden
Is half in the words I think to you;
That winter is my fear of losing you,
And that spring is the hope I never will.

It means:
That I have taken the risk of wrapping my life
So completely around yours
That the beauty of a late summer evening is
Inseparable from the beauty of our love.


When we say I love you we say
1-4-3 instead.
To find out why I guess you'll have to
Get inside our heads.

Our secret is a sign of more
That lies beneath our souls
In tunnels dug through common ground
By happy, fun-filled moles.

I think, he feels, he thinks, I feel,
We talk beneath our words,
Singing silently our joy
Like mikeless, earphoned birds.

Of course our little secrets are
Quite easy to uncover,
Yet deeper still are wordless things
That hold our lives together.


You are everything I ever wanted.
On you my future happiness depends.
Unless I'm with you all my thoughts are haunted.
After seeing you, my unease ends.
Reason warns me that I am in danger:
Eventually, everything must fade.
My love, like yours, is flammable in anger.
Yet my trust is such, I'm not afraid.
Something in our love's more than emotion,
Underneath each thought and each desire;
Not even all the water in the ocean
Seems up to putting out this one small fire.
How could this be? Within our love is something
Immeasurable, infinite, and good.
Nothing in all life can match this one thing
Each other passion would be, if it could.


In love you let the heart do all the thinking
And say with courage simply what seems true.
Time will in good time do all the linking,
But you must know you've done what you can do.

Passion understands far more than reason,
Seeing in the dark with more than sight.
Truth, in truth, can vary with the season,
Nor can you ever know you've got it right.

So throw yourself into the stream of being
And let the moment take you where it will.
Fear does nothing for the bitter keening
That only love's sweet sacrifice can still.